Vision, Mission & Values
Children, Parents, Teachers: A Partnership for the Future
Our Vision
Our vision at St Corban’s is to empower children to acquire, demonstrate, articulate and value knowledge skills and dispositions that will help them to grow and develop independence, support them as life-long learners, to participate in and contribute to the global world and to live by the core values of the school: respect, honesty, responsibility, kindness and forgiveness.
We work to develop knowledge, skills and character in every pupil, empowering them to meet, with assured confidence, the challenges of life now and in the future. We intend to nurture a love of learning and a deep respect for all living creatures and the world we live in.
We want to enable every individual regardless of ability to achieve their full potential, to prepare for future life and to become a life-long learner. We hope to nurture each child’s natural thirst for learning and encourage them to become a good citizen equipped for the challenges of the 21st century.
Our Mission
We, the members of St. Corban’s school community, endeavour to continue in the rich tradition and Christian Ethos of Edmund Ignatius Rice. The vision and enthusiasm of each of its members combine to seek to develop to its full, the potential of each individual within the school community.
As a community, we work together to empower our children, to become good people who live their lives ethically following the example of Jesus, to become life-long learners who value learning and develop a love of learning and to embrace their future confidently and become global citizens who contribute to the community and the world successfully. We want our school community to support and enrich the lives of everyone while we learn to live in the world and contribute to creating a better world. Our children are encouraged to take increasing responsibility for learning and decision-making and to grow in independence. Children, Parents and Teachers are proud to form a partnership to enjoy today and create a better tomorrow.
Our Values
We try to live by our values each and every day. We believe that our lives and our community will be better, richer and kinder when we do this. The values that we nurture are the shared values that parents instil in their children to enable them to lead a happy and fulfilling life.
Respect; Honesty; Responsibility; Kindness; Forgiveness.
Respect: Treating ourselves, others and our environment (school, local & global) with kindness and consideration.
We treat others as we would wish to be treated. This value is at the core of everything we do in school and is central to our Code of Behaviour. It underpins learning through our behaviour and our attitude to the people and the world around us. Good manners is a demonstration of respect for ourselves and others. The best way to teach respect and learn respect, is to show respect. When a child experiences respect, they know what it feels like and begin to understand how important it is. Self-respect is the starting point for learning about respect. We do not treat people with respect because of who they are, but because of who we are.
Honesty: Being truthful and trustworthy.
We tell the truth, even when it is difficult. This encourages people to trust us and helps us to trust and value ourselves. Lies and untruths damage our relationship with ourselves and others. Our word means something and the truth is important to us. We value honesty of effort and expect everyone to do their best at all times on all tasks. Our relationships are built on honesty and integrity.
Responsibility: Being accountable for our behaviours, our obligations and our actions.
When we say we will do something we carry it through with persistence, sustaining our efforts until the task is complete. We admit to our mistakes and take ownership of our actions. When we make mistakes we admit our error, accept the consequences, learn from the mistake and ensure that it is not repeated. We are responsible for our standards, our effort, our attitude, our behaviours and our responses in any situation. We have high expectations of ourselves and our community. We don’t make excuses, we take responsibility.
Kindness: Treating people with love and compassion.
Kindness is using our time, talents and resources to make people’s life better, to make ourselves better and to make the world better. We understand that life can be hard at times for all of us and our kindness and care can help people when they need it. When they feel weak, hurt or vulnerable, we lend them our strength and support, knowing that this kindness will be there for us, when we need it. It is doing something for others before we are asked.
Forgiveness: Releasing feelings of resentment or vengeance.
Forgiveness clears away anger, resentment, and fear. When we forgive, we become our own source of healing. By holding a different attitude about what we do with our pain, suffering, or just everyday annoyance, we can dramatically transform the quality of our lives. We have the choice to forgive – especially ourselves. We let go of feelings and thoughts of resentment, bitterness, anger, and the need for vengeance and retribution toward someone who we believe has wronged us, including ourselves. We all make mistakes and we all need forgiveness at one time or other.
High Expectations
We have high expectations of ourselves and each other. We hold ourselves and each other to high standards. We strive for excellence in all that we do and we are proud of our work. We expect everyone to do their absolute best and to approach challenges with a positive attitude. Good manners and respectful relationships are expected from all of us, toward all of us. We were delighted to have our Inspectors affirm our high standards in all areas in our recent Whole School Evaluation
One Rule Classroom – a guiding principle
If what you are doing, interferes with someone, hurts someone’s heart or prevents you from being your best self – you shouldn’t be doing it.