Our School

St Corban’s is a boys-only primary school with a Catholic ethos under the patronage of Bishop Denis Nulty in the diocese of Kildare & Leighlin. We follow the example of Jesus and try to live by our shared values of respect, kindness, honesty, forgiveness and responsibility. In our school, there is a true sense of community, where each member makes their own unique contribution and where all experience the joys and challenges of working and growing together. It is this community that makes St Corban’s a truly special place. 

We take a holistic view of learning and of the learner. We emphasise the need for pupils to develop a broad range of skills, competencies and values that enable personal well-being, active citizenship and lifelong learning. We aim to build pupils’ self-confidence so that they embrace new challenges and face the future with confidence and optimism. We help them to blossom and grow as individuals and give them the academic, social and emotional skills to enable them to realise their full potential – to be the best that they can be.

In St Corban’s, we are a community of learners, where learning is central and learning is valued. We aim to instill and nurture a love of learning in our children and support everyone to be life-long learners. We want children and adults to experience the joy of learning through enriching and engaging activities in a safe, happy and fulfilling environment. Friendships are forged here which are sustained well beyond school years and we are proud to welcome back many of our past students as parents of today.

This environment is created by the cooperation and collaboration of the whole school community where the adults (parents & staff) set the example of the highest standards and model the behaviours that we are teaching to the pupils. Teachers work in partnership with parents in the best interest of their child. We have high expectations of all of our children and expect the highest standards of engagement, of behaviour and of good manners. They are helped by the loving and guiding presence of parents, teachers, special needs assistants, ancillary staff and other members of the school community. We are privileged to have a staff that is highly professional and whose commitment underpins the warmth and vitality of this great school. They encourage active participation in a wide range of activities within the classroom setting and also as part of our extensive extra-curricular activities, to enhance learning and to develop life skills, values and attitudes that will assist our children throughout their lives. Positive respectful pupil-teacher relationships have been the key to creating this happy teaching and learning environment. Our dedicated staff work diligently to ensure our school is a place where pupils feel safe, happy and engaged. We believe this is the perfect environment in which your children will learn, make lasting friendships, build enduring relationships and reach their full potential.

In St Corban’s, parents are seen as partners in the education of their children. Excellent communication between home and school is cultivated at all times and parents are kept informed of all developments through our Aladdin system. We encourage all parents to become involved in the development of the school through our Parents’ Association and our Board of Management. 

As we look to the future, building on the tremendous achievements of our past, we face an exciting stage in the evolution of our school. We have a new school building to look forward to in 2025 which will include 16 mainstream classrooms, a Special Needs Unit, a sports hall, a library/computer room and learning support rooms. With the support of our school community, we hope to add an all-weather pitch, extra play areas, soft-play areas for infants, a sensory garden and more. 

We are also looking forward to welcoming girls in September 2026 as we will become a co-educational school enrolling both boys & girls. Exciting times ahead!