Junior Infant Information
On behalf of everyone in St. Corban’s B.N.S., we want to extend our warmest welcome to our prospective new pupils and their parents. We understand that moving to ‘Big School’ is an important milestone in a child’s life. We want to reassure you that we in St. Corban’s will do our best to make your child’s transition to our school as smooth and happy as possible.
The key to this is communication, once you have accepted a place in our school we will be in touch with you to organise parent information evenings and school visits for both you and your child. We look forward to building a happy and healthy relationship with you.
Please see our Junior Infant Information Booklet below for some helpful tips to be mindful of as your child prepares for starting school. It features some information on our school procedures and some key dates for your diary.
Enjoy watching our short video to give the children a glimpse into life in St. Corban’s.