Differentiated Literacy Programme
In St. Corban’s, we are renowned for our Differentiated Literacy Programme. This Programme (DLP) was developed because we believe that development of literacy skills is paramount for all pupils with all levels of ability. It is a carefully planned and highly-structured programme for pupils in classes from senior infants to third class. It involves a classroom configuration of 4 stations/groups involving activities based on reading, writing and phonics/word work.
Areas enhanced by our Programme:
- Automaticity in word recognition of high frequency words
- Directionality – Tracking left to right with return sweep
- Fluency, productivity and accuracy
- Decoding skill
- Comprehension in reading
- Slow Articulation of difficult words and spellings
- Reading what they write constantly
- Parental involvement in reading
Aims of the Programme
Through participation in our Differentiated Literacy Programme the children will be enabled to:
1. Develop positive attitudes to literacy
2. Read at their appropriate instructional level
3. Make progress through the different levels of texts and genres of texts to become fluent independent readers
4. Learn word attack and phonic skills to use in reading and writing
5. Learn to apply comprehension strategies in their reading
6. Learn to write fluently and accurately
7. Learn to spell confidently
8. Learn to speak clearly and listen attentively